The Technology of Today: How it influences our society

Technology, we use it everyday. It’s in your room, in your school, even in your hamster’s cage! But what is it really? What is technology really? Well almost everyone interprets it as a different thing. Some people refer technology to all the mechanics and robots and computers that exist but, for the case of this article we will refer to a different meaning. Technology, in simple terms, is any appliance that humans can use, that nature can not create. So yes, this could be an iPhone or a laser pen, but it could also be an ax or even a sharpened stick, which was probably hyper-modern 2 million years ago.

So, how does it impact us then? Well, let me phrase it like this: Imagine a world in which humans can create nothing and have created nothing, you can only walk around, kill animals, gather berries and drink water. In addition you can only live in caves or on the ground, have no clothes and have nothing to protect yourself with. How long would you survive? Probably not more than a week if you’re a child, maybe longer if you’re an adult. Without technology our lives would not at all be pleasant, technology keeps us alive and well, keeps us happy, but most of all it makes us the pioneers of today. Thank you.

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2 thoughts on “The Technology of Today: How it influences our society

  1. I absolutely love the end sentence in the first paragraph. And I agree with you how we would not be able to survive a weak without technology. But one question I have is if we didn’t have technology you said that we would only kill and animals and collect berries. But what would we sue to kill the animals?

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