The Birthday!

On the 5th of April 2015 it was my birthday. I still lived in the Netherlands and had waited for weeks for this day to come, and it was amazing! First I awoke i my bed with everyone standing around me. Each person had something. My mom had little apple “cupcakes” that tasted amazing. My dad had one big present and my brother and sister held one each as well for me, of course. We had a breakfast with more  cupcakes and something to drink.

When I went to school I brought a cake and everyone got a slice, my teacher, Mr.C, included. Furthermore everyone congratulated me and wished me a happy day and gave me presents. So generally everything was cool and normal apart from that I got presents and cupcakes and a party with everyone. YAY it was amazing.

8 thoughts on “The Birthday!

  1. It sounds like you had a lot of fun! I hope your next birthday is just as amazing! How long ago was this? Did anything special happen?

  2. Your story was amazing you gave a clear detail on what had happened to you on you birth day and my birthday is 15 days after yours

  3. It seems like you had a fun day. Those apple cupcakes sound amazing, and I wish I could have one. Where they good? You having cupcakes for your birthday breakfast reminds me that I have Dunkin Donuts for my birthday.

  4. That sounds like a great birthday. My mother also cooks something special for me on my birthday. I usually get some cupcakes or toast and scrambled eggs. Is this the best birthday you’ve ever had? Tell me more?

    • Well it isn’t the BEST birthday ever, but it was pretty good yes. Most of the time I get carrot cake, but this time it was marzipan.

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